Use A Digital Barn Board Instead Of Your Dry Erase White Board

Tyler Slove

June 16, 2023

There is something about that old dry-erase whiteboard hanging in the aisle that people love. It’s the meeting spot, the one place everyone can stay organized, make decisions, create the day’s to-do list, and assign work. It’s also super gratifying to erase those tasks to mark them done. But in the computer age, a lot of us are looking to digitize our work and barn operations and are looking to upgrade to a modern barn board.
Remote working

“What if your barn board could be automatically filled in for you each morning based off the plan you setup days prior. And what if the tasks for each staff member, client, and horse were automatically check off as they were completed?”

How to purchase and setup a digital horse stable (barn) board

In this post I’m going to walk you through the equipment you can use to re-create this experience for the modern era. Here is what you’ll need

TV for the horse stable

No need to get a fancy TV when you’re just getting started. We just got something at Walmart, and it’s worked out well. It is nice to get one that you can program to power on and power off automatically at certain times, so you don’t have to do it every day. Barns are dusty places and we do notice that the screen needs cleaning about once a week. Questri would support a touch screen, which we considered, but we ended up going with a traditional TV. This means that folks use their Questri app to make updates to the board which allows us to keep track of who made what updates. If you use a shared device, that traceability is lost.

TV wall mount to hang the digital barn board

Again, nothing fancy needed here. We got a basic one and it’s worked just fine. However, if doing this again, we recommend one like this which gives you some ability to move and swivel which could be useful depending on your space.

Mini computer to run Questri

Most modern TVs have an internet browser built in which you could technically use to load Questri. We tried this a few times and found it not to be a great experience. Instead, we recommend you get a mini computer like this one to run Questri. You can configure it to turn on and load Questri on a timer. We typically leave ours on 24/7.

Keyboard & mouse combo to interact with the Questri website

Things that aren’t nailed down have a tendency to get lost around the barn, so it’s been nice to have a all-in-one device to interact w/ the barn board. Questri updates automatically so you won’t need to be interacting with it all the time, but it’s useful a couple times a day.

Internet to pull in your Questri digital barn board

If your barn already has Wi-Fi, you can skip this. But ours did not and we needed to find another way. This is helpful for shows as well where you may not have reliable wifi. T-Mobile has a mobile hotspot that has broad coverage for an affordable price.

Benefits of a digital horse stable (barn) board

  1. No need to manually write out your plan each morning

  2. Configure the board to show horses, clients, or tasks that matter and in the format you want

  3. Any updated, checked off, added, or removed task is automatically synced and updated live on the digital board

  4. You, your staff, and your clients post updates from the Questri mobile app which sync instantly to the board

Upgrade your horse stable board with Questri

Once you have the hardware setup, Questri makes it simple and easy to display, check off, and plan your tasks and calend events. Get started today for free.

Get Started

Tyler Slove

June 16, 2023

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